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A Look at Dubai’s Oktoberfest Celebrations

For most people, hard work and Dubai go hand-in-hand.

While that’s not entirely untrue, if you’ve been following our blogs for long enough you’ll know by now that Dubai has plenty of fun activities to keep you busy on your off time!

Case in point, Dubai’s brand-new Oktoberfest celebrations! Recently announced to global fanfare and curiosity, the festivities blend German culture with Dubai’s unique flair to act as a top-tier networking event for business professionals. 

If you’re looking to learn more about the event, you’ve come to the right place! In today’s article we’ll take a brief look at Dubai’s Oktoberfest celebrations to give you an idea of what to expect when you attend in just a few short weeks!


A long-standing German tradition, Oktoberfest is a yearly multi-week festival and celebration of beer and culture. Attracting tourists from all around the world, the event typically has something for everyone. 

Even if you’ve never stepped foot in the country, you’ve assuredly already heard that Germany’s Oktoberfest celebrations are legendary. Inspiring similar festivities across the globe, the landmark event is one that always gets the attention of locals and foreigners. 

This year is unique, however, in that you won’t have to travel to Germany to experience a true, authentic Oktoberfest celebration. Dubai is hosting its own event tailored to business professionals, and it’s slated to be a unique event that you won’t want to miss!


Whether you’re interested in the fun or the networking opportunities, there’s a little bit of everything to be had from the event!

For a taste of Bavarian culture, Dubai’s Media City is going to hold a folk celebration of all things German, featuring authentic food, music and entertainment that’s sure to get you in the spirit of the event. 

You can also hit up the Dubai Marina to take part in the various beer tents and activities set against the stunning views of the water. 

Regardless of your preference, there’s undoubtedly something to capture your attention and enthusiasm in the weeks and months to come. 

You might have a different perception of Dubai, but it has plenty of activities and fun to keep you occupied on your time away from the office. 

Much like Expo 2020, Dubai’s Oktoberfest celebrations are yet another in a long line of events that will undoubtedly attract a tremendous amount of tourism and foreign interest. 

Whether you’re a business that’s interested in attending to network with potential partners and clients or to get a feel for the city before committing to a move, the event promises to be an excellent opportunity to dip your toes into the city and culture while simultaneously acting as a tremendous business opportunity. 

If you’re interested in setting up an activity for the event or making Dubai your new home for the foreseeable future, we’d love to help you out! 

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