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Your Guide to Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone

Confused about which free zone is best for your business? 

Struggling to learn more about the intricacies between the various regions? 

Well, look no further! Continuing our series of informative posts and guides outlining the defining traits of Dubai’s most popular free zones, we’re here today with everything you need to know about the famous Jebel Ali Free Zone!



Our posts are designed to arm you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions regarding your business’ future.

With that in mind, we aim to cover the pertinent details and facts in small, bite-sized formats that are easy to digest and remember.

In this article, we’ll be focusing on the following areas:

·      The History of Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone

·      Jebel Ali Free Zone’s Business Focus

·      Opportunities in the Jebel Ali Free Zone

·      Some Closing Thoughts

By the end of the article, you’ll be prepared with everything you need to know about the Jebel Ali Free Zone.


Let’s get right into it.


Located in the Western part of Dubai, the Jebel Ali Free Zone began operations in 1985 with a variety of commercial facilities available to interested customers and tenants. 

Considering its age, it’s perhaps no surprise that, today, Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone has the distinction of being the biggest free zone in the world. In fact, by every metric, it’s easy to see how important the zone is to the local economy. 

Accounting for more than 30% of FDI flow into the economy, spanning almost 60 square kilometres and contributing more than a fifth of the country’s GDP, Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone is truly a landmark district. 


As you’re undoubtedly aware, Dubai’s many free zones each specialise in the services that they provide, as well as which industry sectors they can accommodate. 

The Jebel Ali Free Zone is no different! With a focus on logistics, warehousing, real estate and more, the region is home to some of the biggest players in the world—more than 100 of the Fortune Global 500 companies call the free zone their home in Dubai. 

That means that, if you’re looking to rub shoulders with some of the world’s biggest businesses, Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone is a prime spot to accomplish precisely that. 


While the historical focus of the free zone has been on the warehousing and logistics sectors, that doesn’t mean that other companies can’t make a home for themselves. 

There are also business parks, offices, showrooms and even retail outlets that can be used by enterprising businesses to establish themselves as a leader in the Emirate. 

If your business finds itself in any one of these sectors, the free zone will undoubtedly be a tremendous choice for a new location, given its size, prestige and accessibility both by road and metro. 


When it comes to free zone opportunities, foreign-owned businesses in Dubai are truly spoiled for choice. 

We’re not going to simply proclaim to you that there is one definitive “best choice” for all businesses—Dubai’s free zone diversity is because different businesses have different requirements, needs and preferences. 

However, we will say that if your business finds itself in a niche occupied fully by the Jebel Ali Free Zone, you’d be hard-pressed to find a superior choice. With the history, pedigree and established roster of leading global businesses making the free zone their home, you’ll find yourself with everything you need to make for a profitable venture in your new residence. 

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