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5 Reasons Why Dubai Might Be Your Ideal Summer Getaway


Summer is quickly approaching, and for many, that means vacation and travel planning is well underway!

With lockdowns lifting across the globe and an overall sense of normalcy returning to the travel industry, it can be quite difficult to narrow down precisely where you’d like to visit.

While the world-renowned heat may not have placed Dubai foremost on your list of potential travel destinations for the summer, we’re here to tell you that you might not want to be so hasty in your assessment! Dubai has plenty to offer the summer traveller, and we’re here to tell you all about it.


If you’ve been following our blog for some time, you’re undoubtedly aware that we’re fans of everything that the Emirate has to offer for residents and visitors alike! If our previous articles haven’t convinced you of why just yet, perhaps this one will.


We know what you’re probably thinking—summers in Dubai can be hot. Extremely so, in fact. While you’re not wrong, it’s also not the entire story. Evenings and nights cool down, providing residents with great outdoor weather, and the water is exceptionally warm, making it ideal for swimming and relaxing. Moreover, the hot summer temperatures are just another excuse to spend your days taking in some of the wonderful indoor activities!

But, if it’s still too hot for your liking, Dubai also offers…


Dubai’s summer days can most definitely be too hot to handle for many, but residents have endured through many similar days and have found many different ways to beat the heat, even outdoors!

Between swimming in pools that have been chilled with ice at some of the best hotels around to enjoying a winter vibe in Dubai’s Olympic-calibre ice rinks, there are plenty of ways to beat the heat, even when the sun is at its highest.


Dubai is an exciting place to be any time of year, but summer offers the chance for many families to explore the Emirate together. Many events, activities, and hotels offer reduced rates in the summer, which is a great incentive all on its own to finally take the plunge and take that dream trip.


An overwhelming majority of Dubai’s residents are expats. This means that the summer presents the perfect opportunity for many to return home and visit their families, friends, and loved ones.

Summer travellers, then, can benefit from a more relaxed city, fewer crowds, and much shorter queues at the many events and activities that Dubai has to offer. If you’re someone who’s looking to do as much as possible during your stay, summer in Dubai presents the perfect opportunity to do just that!


Dubai’s Summer Surprises are legendary for the deals that they offer, and if you’re someone who enjoys indulging in some retail therapy, it presents the perfect opportunity for you to take part! With major global brands offering truly remarkable sales, you can take full advantage of Dubai’s world-class malls and shopping experiences.


We hope we’ve convinced you that Dubai is an excellent place to visit this summer, either by yourself or with friends and family! Whether it’s the sights, the shopping, the swimming or the activities, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for to make your vacation a memorable one.

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